A few days into the new year of 2014 in Paris….all the hoopla is over, it’s quiet and calm. Cold gray skies and warm golden lights framing the Seine combine to keep us happy enough to stay outside until hunger and fatigue insist it’s time to call it a day.
Paris 2014
A few days into the new year of 2015 back home in Italy. A different kind of quiet and calm as a few brave souls navigate the Arno. Somehow their silent movements are calming and the beauty surrounding them generates hope. Happy New Year.
Our greeting as we arrived home after nearly a year of travel was this display of love courtesy of the overgrown ivy running along the front gate. It was a good start, although things deteriorated quickly…..an excavation project in the house took way too long and was followed immediately by a regrettable misstep that resulted in a fractured shoulder (mine). Oh boy.
We stayed home for 45 days while the shoulder mended and I discovered just how well Russ can really cook…..and clean….and shop….and plan menus….and entertain a crabby old woman with her arm in a sling whose activity profile was basically reduced to reading or watching movies. We were, however, happy to be back in Florence and since it was late summer…..one of the best times of the year to be in Tuscany…..we managed to grin and bear it.
Now that I have a right hand that once again obeys my writing commands, I have lots of wonderful photos and stories to share about our sabbatical. It’s really good to be back.